About Me

This is me. And until I get around to taking a more "professional-looking" photo of myself, this is what you get. Go Stanford! (Disclaimer: I did not go to Stanford)

So what can I tell you about myself? I work 40ish hours a week in an office with no windows to the outside world. I am a self-proclaimed Excel "guru". I love numbers and data and organizing. Yes, I guess that makes me a nerd. I am lucky to have a great job and work for a great company, but I leave the office each day feeling like there's something missing. I feel like I'm destined for more (aren't we all??!). 

I experience the most joy and fulfillment while helping others. On most weekends, I spend the majority of my time volunteering with Team in Training and help coach triathletes while they raise money for blood cancer research. I have been a part of this organization since 2001 and have completed numerous events myself (including 3 Ironman races). There's just something about watching ordinary people set their minds to accomplishing extraordinary things and helping them succeed. And yet, I still feel like I could do more. There's still something missing.

In the search for that missing piece of my life's puzzle, I have decided to take up photography as a way to feed my creativity and I would love to use it as a way to give back to the community, although I haven't figured out those details yet. I have always enjoyed taking photos but never pursued anything more than having a collection of them for myself.

It seems everyone with a digital camera is a "Photographer" these days. I think that's why I'm hesitant to take on this new challenge. Honestly, I'm not sure what sets me apart from anyone else. Maybe nothing. But wouldn't it be great if I could come up with something?! I have taken private, formal training with an Academy of Art University instructor and amazingly talented wedding Photographer - Michelle Walker. (Although don't judge her by my photos! Unless they're good ... in which case I'm sure she would love to take credit!)

So we'll see what happens. Maybe this challenge will help me accomplish amazing things! Or maybe this blog will get a couple hits from my family, I'll be asked to take pictures at the family reunion and if nothing else, I'll end up with some pretty awesome photos of my dogs!

Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to let me know what you think. (Unless it's negative ... then feel free to keep it to yourself!)